Protesters gather at Piccadilly Circus

What we do

Sharing accurate information

We are at the forefront of breaking news from inside Tibet. We work closely with our research partner Tibet Watch to securely obtain and verify the latest news, which we share through our website, social media and worldwide media. We are a trusted and accurate source of information and we are regularly featured in media stories across the world.

Challenging China

China uses its economic weight to silence the discussion of Tibet on the world stage and propaganda to prevent individuals from learning the truth. We counter this by pressuring world leaders and exposing the reality about Tibet, driving international support for Tibetans’ tireless and peaceful struggle for freedom.

Lobbying and campaigning

We lobby political leaders to do more for Tibet and we provide evidence of torture and other human rights abuse in Tibet to the United Nations. We pressure Chinese leaders on their policies in Tibet and on individual Tibetan political prisoners. We run targeted campaigns that challenge corporations seeking to profit from the occupation.

Growing support for Tibet

We have an active and growing supporter base who help us to pressure our campaign targets and to share information about Tibet.

The Tibetan people seek justice and freedom and their peaceful resistance deserves our support. Will you join us?
Join us today

We are Free Tibet, and we stand with Tibetans around the world. For their homeland, for their future and against China’s brutal occupation.